Benefits of Horticultural Therapy

People have a natural need for contact with nature. Just being among plants lowers stress, improves mood and helps to calm down. Learn what other benefits horticultural therapy brings.

Benefits of Horticultural Therapy

Immunity improvement

Staying outdoors increases the level of vitamin D. In the soil, Mycobacterium vaccae bacteria are present, which, if they enter the human body, probably counteract psoriasis, allergies, and asthma. The mechanism of their action is unknown. It is related to the hygiene theory, in which people who live in too sterile environments are exposed to allergies.

Immunity improvement with horticultural therapy

Positive effect on the mood and reduction of stress

It has been proven that soil bacteria reduce symptoms of depression. In addition, the combination of physical activity and stimulation of the senses positively affects well-being. The most significant healing power is shown in gardens in which, apart from ornamental plants, there will also be utility plants that can be used in the kitchen.

Strengthening the muscular system

Working in the garden stimulates almost all human senses. Such intense work is especially beneficial for our brains. The reception of so many stimuli improves its functioning. For this reason, horticultural therapy benefits people with psychomotor disorders. Older people should also use nature's goodness as often as possible. It is associated with improving brain function and delaying neurodegenerative processes, which is especially important in the elderly.

Improvement of brain work and performance

Working in the garden stimulates almost all human senses. Such intense work is especially beneficial for our brain. The reception of so many stimuli improves its functioning. This is why horticultural therapy brings so many benefits to people with psychomotor disorders. Elderly people should also use nature's goodness as often as possible. It is associated with the improvement of brain function and delaying neurodegenerative processes, which is especially important in the elderly.

Positive effects on the circulatory system

Positive effects on the circulatory system - horticultural therapy

Working in the garden forces you to be physically active. And this one is better than lying in front of the TV set. Therefore, by spending a few minutes a day working among the plants or even walking among the flower beds, we do a lot of good for our hearts.

Increase of self-esteem

Increase of self-esteem - Benefits of horticultural therapy

Growing edible plants and harvesting crops is one of the most rewarding moments. Work among plants improves well-being. In turn, working in a group, contact with peers, and the possibility of relationships also significantly increase self-esteem. There are no divisions during therapeutic classes. Everyone is equal and works towards a common goal.
